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Sometime between 1957 and 1960 (research ongoing), a separate company was set up to market the alcohol and tobacco to adult collectors. The bottles were labelled with a small sticker on their back or base 'This GOLD SEAL Miniature contains SUGAR SYRUP' and packed in distinctive gold coloured boxes. The boxes are printed on the reverse with the following:-


These tiny bottles are individually hand blown, for accurate reproduction of the full size originals.  Each bottle is handled by four men in the process.  The printing of the labels, some in 8 colours, must be carried out with hairline accuracy, to achieve perfection.  To know more about the care and precision which goes into the production of Gold Seal Miniatures, to satisfy the collectors who treasure them, and for a list of 100 items already available in the series, write to :  GOLD SEAL MINIATURES LIMITED, 56, Godstone Road, Kenley, Surrey (enclosing a 3d. stamp).

Applies U.K. only

From a Trade List (13) dated August 1960


These Gold Seal Miniatures form a novel and unique collection, of great interest to adult collectors.  The items range from a packet of Players, the size a postage stamp, containing twenty tiny plastic cigarettes, to several well-known beers represented by little bottles only 2 1/4" (57mms) high.  Every Gold Seal Miniature is a perfect scale replica of a well-known pack.  New Miniatures are to be added regularly, to a range of over one hundred now available.  The tiny bottles are too small to be made accurately on any type of bottle making machine.  These are all individually hand blown in glass of the right colour, and hand labelled and capped, to obtain the maximum of fine detail.  All labels have been printed in full colour by the offset litho process, exactly to match the originals.  Certain bottles carry as many as as four labels, some only one eighth the size of a postage stamp.  Every Miniature listed is packed individually for display and sale in a windowed carton of attractive design.  A display unit is provided for each six dozen quantity of Miniatures supplied.  The little bottles contain pure sugar syrup to simulate in colour the contents of the full size pack being represented.  Adult collectors can display these perfect replicas indefinitely, because there is no reason to open them and use the contents, and to spoil their appearance, as with alcoholic miniatures.  The cigarette packets contain tiny plastic cigarettes.

A Display Case for your Miniatures

A white painted, metal and glass display case is available for Gold Seal Miniatures.  It is designed to stand alone or hang on a wall.  An easily removable plate glass front provides easy access to the three shelves, which will conveniently hold 36 Miniatures.  Overall size 15 1/2" high x 12 1/2" wide x 1 1/2".  Price: 12s 6d

Gold Seal Miniatures Limited - 56 Godstone Road - Kenley - Surrey  Telephone: BYWOOD 1311

The full list of bottles that were available is shown under the 'Miniatures - Bottles' section of the website.

Gold Seal Alcohol Bottles

103 different varieties of Champagnes, Wines, Fortified Wines, Spirits, Mixers and Soft Drinks.  Each packaged in a gold window box.  A full listing and photographs of the bottles can be seen in the 'Miniatures - Bottles' in the Product menu.

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Gold Seal Miniatures - Gold Seal Alcohol Bottles -
Lamb's Navy Rum GS Boxed.jpg