Lego piece

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Lego piece


Products produced between 1932 and 1962 carried a 2 or 3 digit reference number prefixed by the letter K.

Numbers were not engraved into product, but were indicated on the box and in the consumer catalogues included in every product.  Trade catalogues also carry the appropriate references.

Where there is a product in the archive we have photographed it.  Where we have no product but do have a catalogue then we have scanned the catalogue page as an image 'holder' until we get an actual product to photograph.  Where we have no product or no image then we've posted a 'WANTED' sign.  Please contact us through the 'Contact Us' link in the menu bar if you can help.

Our grateful thanks to those who have already contributed images, acknowledgements have been made in product text.


K72 Pull-Along-Train - Red with Black Wheels

This toy is absolutely unbreakable.  Hand-made and constructed entirely of hardwood, with rounded corners, painted in red with black wheels. Four parts fit together by means of heavy slot-couplings.  The wheels won't come off, even after years of hard play.  The thick base on each piece on each piece prevents the parts from coming un-coupled when the whole train is pulled over rough ground or over the edge of a carpet.

Total length 2 feet.


Year: 1957

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Image Gallery

1932-1962 ~ K & F Prefix Ref. No's - K72 Pull-Along-Train - Red with Black Wheels -
1957 - 4 - K72.jpeg
1932-1962 ~ K & F Prefix Ref. No's - K72 Pull-Along-Train - Red with Black Wheels -
1958 - 4 - K72.jpeg
1932-1962 ~ K & F Prefix Ref. No's - K72 Pull-Along-Train - Red with Black Wheels -
K72 Pull-Along Train (Red, Black Wheels).jpg