Lego piece

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Products produced between 1932 and 1962 carried a 2 or 3 digit reference number prefixed by the letter K.

Numbers were not engraved into product, but were indicated on the box and in the consumer catalogues included in every product.  Trade catalogues also carry the appropriate references.

Where there is a product in the archive we have photographed it.  Where we have no product but do have a catalogue then we have scanned the catalogue page as an image 'holder' until we get an actual product to photograph.  Where we have no product or no image then we've posted a 'WANTED' sign.  Please contact us through the 'Contact Us' link in the menu bar if you can help.

Our grateful thanks to those who have already contributed images, acknowledgements have been made in product text.


K364 Non-spill plate & beaker

Excellent polythene feeding utensils for the very young grappling with grown-up ways of eating.  Unbreakable, hygienic and practical.  Not even egg will crust to the surface.  It is not stained or harmed by fruit acids.  It can be washed in hot water, but should not be boiled.  The plate has sides sloping inwards, so that food pushed to the edges will drop back on the spoon and not shoot over the side.  Both Plate and Beaker have the broad base to prevent spilling.  They are slightly more expensive than ordinary plastics feeding utensils, but will last for years.

Available in pink or blue, in an attractive gift box.

Year: 1960

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1932-1962 ~ K & F Prefix Ref. No's - K364 Non-spill plate & beaker -
1960 - 32 - K364.jpeg
1932-1962 ~ K & F Prefix Ref. No's - K364 Non-spill plate & beaker -
1961 - 34 - K364.jpeg